Saturday, August 31, 2013


If I could turn back time, things would be different.... 

'Maybe if I got married at the right age where I would have career, and successful. My would be husband might be successful and we would have a perfect life.'

I am sure that this is what most women would wish for in their life would be after they have made mistakes during their younger years. I myself have a lot of regrets but the only thing I don't regret was that I was given 2 most wonderful gifts from God and these are my two kids.

Yes, I may have regret that I am one of those mothers who have had kids at a young age that is currently trying to make ends meet due to numerous mistakes that have done. But it doesn't mean that I am giving up living here on the face of the earth.

THINK POSITIVE,... this is what I have been practicing since my divorce 15yrs ago. I keep fighting the good fight even there was once a time that I have totally put my faith behind. It wasnt always a positive side that i have thought about during those times when my exhusband and I were in the process of the divorced.

WHY ME????? Was my questions most of the time when I was diagnosed to have surgery for Total Hysterectomy with Interocele repair. But this didn't stop me from keep moving on. A few months before the surgery have been very difficult for me. It wasn't until I have found my FAITH that I started to have hope again to keep moving. I have had my ups and downs during my changed life but I didn't take it too hard anymore because I know in my heart 
that no matter what happens as I go on with my current and future life, He will always be by my side to guide me.... to keep reminding me that I am not alone..... to give me courage to keep moving and be strong to do the things that I believe in.......FAITH is what kept me going and to fight the challenges that came and went... I am still going through challenges... I mean everyone is going through challenges, some have tougher challenges than others and we all know that these challenges are the ones that will destroy us or makes us stronger. Either way, we cannot prevent it from happening.... 

Move on, live life to the fullest, often times we feel down but we need to keep standing up each time we fall down, put our head up and walk as if what happened, no one saw it and let everyone see that you are alright, no self pity, because GOD is always by your side, guiding you and will not leave you on your own.....

KEEP MOVING...... don't stop, never give up, if you trip and fall, get up and keep going.

Until next time.......

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